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Soul Storytelling

New Dates to be Announced Soon 

with Sara McFarland

The world is storying itself and we are storying with it. Each being, being itself, is telling its story, singing it’s creation. Each and every being is alive, filled with sentience and awareness and has their own dreams and stories and families. Listen, what is the Red Kite crying out or the story the fox is shouting out in her barking? We might listen in, share shape or consciousness or song. If we can see and hear the stories of the wildest ones, we can hear the beauty of our own stories.  Entangled and inseparable, both/and creatures of wild and civilized elements, multi faceted and multi perspectived beings, we look into the Storying of Earth through windows of Dream, numinous encounters, unexpected meetings with more than human Others, and visions of our personal Mythos - our place in Earth Community. Arising within the Web of Life, we were never not interwoven in belonging with the wild world and all Her peoples. When we tell stories of our belonging to place, to peoples and wild ones, we bless out wounds, we heal and become whole.


Which stories we tell matters. Who we tell them to matters. How we tell our stories matters. Be forewarned, the telling itself, might require further shapeshifting and transformation of our old ways of knowing and being. It might open us to the deeper strata of our own being and shake us up or break us down in order to make space for something new. How can you tell your story so that you are changed and changing, being shaped into the form Mystery is longing for to reveal itself in you?



What if telling a story...

were soul speaking through you, or Earth Dreaming you?

were your creaturely human voice, singing your place in the cosmos, telling your story of belonging?

of your meeting with one one of the Deer or Boar people, were the story of an encounter with some holy creature, a god even?

were a magical spell of becoming whole, remembering your belonging to Earth Community, kin with the wild ones?

were medicine for the ache and sorrow and despair of our times - a path of connection, of heart, of giveaway and gift to your people?


When we let the big stories move through us, we invite gods and goddesses, wild creatures, landscapes and places to move through our bodies and hearts and minds. We invite shapeshifting and perspective change. We invite the transformation of our own stories and ways of seeing the world.

This is Soulstorytelling.


We will meet 3 Saturdays over the month of December, and have 3 delicious, spacious hours to sink deep, move, play, tell, listen, drop in, embody, give voice, shapeshift, transform, explore, dive deep, integrate, listen, tell ...


December 4, 11, & 18, 2021

9am - 12pm PST / 10am -1pm MST / 12 - 3pm EST / 5 - 8pm GMT / 6 - 9pm CET



Cost: $75 

Feral Webwork of Belonging Members: $71

Storytellers limited to 10 feral creatures




You will work with your own big stories of transformation and magic - for example...


  • a dream that still disturbs you after so many years,

  • an encounter with a wild creature that has shaken you or enlivened you,

  • a vision from Mystery during a vision quest or other time in the wildish world that is still working you,

  • a numinous experience that has touched you to the core…


Mirroring, troubling questions and invitations from me as mentor, deepening through drum journeys, movement and telling the stories to each other and to the wild ones will help the Stories to do their work on us, to shape shift us, to transform us into the Dream Earth is dreaming through us.

To register for this offering, please email us at, and include the name of the course you are signing up for.

Once you've submitted your registration, please follow the link below to make a payment.

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