Entangle with Lunar Cycles of Becoming
Month Long Programs
Dream Circle
Dates to Announced
with Amanda Fiorino
Dive into the dream stream with Amanda for this virtual month-long offering. You'll be invited to tend the waters of your dream life, to wade through the mystery of holy images and experiences, and to give yourself over to shapeshifting hands of imaginal ecologies. Disturbing, terrifying, exciting, astonishing, soothing, healing - dreams are terrascapes whose entangling webwork pulses with the possibility and promise of initiation and transformation.
Soul Storytelling
Dates to be Announced
with Sara McFarland
The world is storying itself and we are storying with it. Each being, being itself, is telling its story, singing it’s creation. Which stories we tell matters. Who we tell them to matters. How we tell our stories matters. How can you tell your story so that you are changed and changing, being shaped into the form Mystery is longing for to reveal itself in you?